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You would like to creatively implement your own ideas and designs in stone? Would you like to try something new or deepen your existing knowledge? Then our sculpting course is just right for you!
This year, Juri Platon is accompanying us as a lecturer at the Summer Academy. Look forward to working with the different types of stone (Baumberg and Bentheim sandstone) under professional guidance. The fascination of sculpting lies in designing and implementing your own ideas. Juri Platon accompanies them from the development of the design or model to its realization in stone.

Management: Juri Platon
Fees: The participation fee is
for members (MG) and non-members (NMG):
1 week 180 € MG/ 200 € NMG,
2 weeks 290 € MG/ 320 € NMG,
3 weeks 380 € MG/ 410 € NMG,
4 weeks 450 € MG/ 495 € NMG
without material costs.

Sandstones are available in sufficient quantities and can be purchased separately.

Already bookable under Tel. 05931-7575.

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